...si un baobab no se coge a tiempo, ya no es posible librarse de éll jamás. Obstruye todo el planeta. Lo perfora con sus raíces. Y si el planeta es demaciado pequeño y los baobabs demaciado grandes, lo hacen estallar.

Si se quiere llegar a se una buena vìctima

es necesario saber de toda la dulzura

que entrelaza al verdugo con la muerte

de la paciencia con que afila su hacha

de la soledad que ilumina su vida

y la de sus inocentes hijos

del esfuerzo que implica portar y levantar el arma

de la sangre que pringa sus pantalones.

Todas estas consideraciones deben estar presentes

en el momento de recoger nuestro pelo sobre la nuca

y poner en sus manos el pescuezo.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

What If.. (Cold Play)

What if there was no light
Nothing wrong, nothing right.
What if there was no time?
And no reason or rhyme.
What if you should decide
That you don't want me there by your side.
That you don't want me there in your life.
What if I got it wrong,
and no poem or song
Could put right what I got wrong
Or make you feel I belong
What if you should decide
That you don't want me there by your side
That you don't want me there in your life.
Oooh, that's right
Let's take a breath and jump over the side
Oooh, that's right
How can you know it if you don't even try
Oooh, that's right
Every step that you take
Could be your biggest mistake
It could bend or it could break
But that's the risk that you take
What if you should decide
That you don't want me there in your life.
That you don't want me there by your side.
Oooh, that's right
Let's take a breath jump over the side
Oooh, that's right
How can you know it when you don't even try
Oooh, that's right
OoohOooh, that's right
Let's take a breath and jump over the side
Oooh, that's right
You know that darkness always turns into light
Oooh, that's right
Parece que la letra habla por sí sola.

Comments on "What If.. (Cold Play)"


Blogger Carlos Durango P said ... (Saturday, March 18, 2006 7:12:00 PM) : 

que bonita...


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